Wednesday, January 18, 2012

13 Weeks to Change a Life

For the next 13 weeks we are taking a change our change our change our change our change our lives.

Financial Peace University is a course about finances, of course. But it can affect every area of your life if you let it. Use it to its fullest. Join in, jump will change your life.

Thirteen weeks is a long time. Thirteen weeks is not a long time. Thirteen weeks is enough time... form a change your life.

Don't just take the course. Don't just show up. Read the book. Do the homework. Think about the concepts. Apply them to your life.

Practice. Try. Stumble. Get up. Practice. Try. Learn. Press on. Practice. Try. Do it. Do it for 13 weeks.

It's hard. It's not easy. But decide today to engage this process of learning and changing. Decide today which habits are holding you back or need to change. Maybe it's your spending. Maybe it's your communication with your spouse. Maybe it's your patience (think debt). Maybe it's your accountability. Maybe it's your giving. Maybe it's your attention (as in, paying more of it).

Change your habits and change your life. Thirteen weeks is enough time for that.

I don't know what you are facing but I hope in the next 13 weeks you do just that - FACE IT - and begin to take the steps necessary to change...your finances...your marriage...your perspectives...your future...your life.

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