This week I decided to post this interesting little blurb I received from Rick Boxx with Integrity Resource Center ( IRC works to "restore integrity and faith at work" and is an amazing resource especially for businesses, business owners, and business leaders. Check out all the resources they have to offer on the website. If you need to talk to someone about issues you are facing in your business and what God might think about them, give IRC a call. Additionally, at the website you can sign up to receive these daily Integrity Moments if you wish.
Megamansions: Good or Bad for Business?
Two university professors may have come up with a new way of analyzing stocks. David Yermack and Crocker Liu's unusual study concluded that CEOs with bigger houses risk poor stock performance. In the study, companies of CEOs with megamansions performed 7% worse on average than their peers, whereas CEOs with smaller homes outperformed the S&P by 22%.
But why should it matter? Is there any real correlation between house size and company performance?
Luke 16 offers a parable about a wealthy man, who decided to tear down all his barns and build bigger ones. Jesus warned him, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
The way you spend your money reflects what is important to you. If amassing more wealth is your priority, you may meet your goal, but lose sight of even more valuable things, things that are truly worth pursuing.
Average Student Loan Debt: 2025 Statistics
1 week ago
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