I don't watch the news too much. I stay abreast of what is going on generally, but in case you haven't noticed, the media industry has gone nuts! It is less news and more hype. I don't have the stamina to take their emotional roller coaster ride. And my life is far less dramatic than their paradigm of the world, so I don't relate. To me, breath is a gift, and it just gets better from there! To navigate this life properly, I need to keep my faith strong. I need to keep my spirit in the right Kingdom.
...but David encouraged himself in the Lord.
I know a number of families facing hardships. Some have small businesses suffering from a weakened economy. Some have lost jobs needed to support their family. Some have financial issues or personal issues they are facing in their marriage, family, or health. It is the stuff of life on earth. They need to keep their faith strong. They need to keep their spirits in the right Kingdom.
...but David encouraged himself in the Lord.
Although unemployment is higher than last few years - and I know people in this category - it is still but a fraction of the employment rate, which is never directly reported. Through Financial Peace University and financial counseling, I connect with a lot of people who are struggling but have watched their financial life turn around, even in this economy. Most people I know are actually doing about the same or better than they have been in recent years. They are doing well. They need to keep their faith strong. They need to keep their spirits in the right Kingdom.
...but David encouraged himself in the Lord.
Let's look into 1 Samuel 30:1 - 6:
The order of this account could easily have been different. It could read, "David encouraged himself in the Lord, but David and his men heard some really bad news. All these terrible things happened and David's own men spoke of stoning him. So David was greatly distressed." Do you see how the parts of the story are the same, but the outcome is very different? That is the order in which we often go about digesting the "news" in our lives. A friend recently told me that a book he was reading noted that what comes after the "but" is where we really live our lives.
...but David encouraged himself in the Lord.
"I know God is my Provider, but this job market..." "I know God gives me peace, but did you hear..." "I know God heals, but the doctor said..." "I know God grants favor and success, but I'm the one who..." "I know that God appoints leaders and that the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, but this President..." Ouch! These sound all too familiar - and they are backwards!
...but David encouraged himself in the Lord.
Read through Psalms, or Paul's writings - all throughout the Bible for that matter - and you will see this order over and over. The blessing is never disconnected from God. The problem is stated, BUT God... Be careful not to get this reversed in your life, your beliefs, or even your speech. Your hope is in the Lord. Your faith comes by hearing His Word. "Provider" is not only a description of what He does, but who He is. And He is the giver of all good gifts. It's your choice how to respond.
...but [your name here] encouraged him/herself in the Lord.
Oh yes - and if you watch the news, make sure that you, like David, balance the news your hear with a healthy encouragement in the Lord!
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